"Talinasab" is a Family Genealogy Application that composes blood relations based on lineage which i...
"Talinasab" is a Family Genealogy Application that composes blood relations based on lineage which is presented in the format of a family relationship chart in the form of a "Family-Tree".With this chart, each family member will easily identify relatives or relatives from one blood family or in a very large lineage and where the kinship is related.Each registrant of this application can create a large family group from the descendants of family members at the highest level who are placed as the first generation and then continued with the second generation (children), third generation (grandchildren), fourth generation ( great-grandchildren) and so on. The person who creates the family group in this application is referred to as the "owner" of the formed family group.Furthermore, all members who have been formed in a Family-Tree are invited (invitation to join via email) to join, by registering as a member of the group that was created. In this application, a large family group formed in a single family tree (Family-tree) is hereinafter referred to as BREED with a name that can be given by the owner of the breed group. Breed means family descended from the name of the person at the highest level. The default breed name given in this application is the name of the breed owner who created it first, but then it can be changed according to the owners wishes after including the family with a higher level (father, grandfather, etc.).Then each invited family member who has successfully registered to join can carry out his own development of the chart of his family members (spouse, children, siblings) in the established TRAH and then carry out the invite process to join, and so on so that the owner of the breed who accepts create the first time you dont have to bother registering all members of the breed yourself, but will be able to continue in a chain by itself until the next generation.Because the essence of this application is to gather all family members in one Family-Tree group, this application not only presents a family relationship chart, but also adds useful features as a means of family communication and friendship even though each other. are far from each other, namely in the form of the following features:> Member List, is a display of the names of extended family members (Breeds) that can be sorted or filtered based on the keywords provided.> Communication Forums:For mutual communication, a chat page is provided by posting and replying.> Albums:This page is a gallery containing photos that can be uploaded by all family members.> EventsThis page is presented to post family events that need to be announced or can also function as invitations with attendance confirmation facilities so that inviting members can confirm how many people from the invited family members can attend, so that the inviting host can calculate the amount of consumption consumed. exactly according to the number of confirmation of attendance, so as to avoid wastage due to supply of excessive consumption and prevent shortages. This kind of tradition will become a positive new culture in order to maintain family cost efficiency.> Notifications:This page is presented for notifications of important dates for all family members, especially for members birthdays/weddings, as well as notifications from the application admin.> Statistics:This page presents the composition of the number of family members in one breed.Further, open the "How-to-Work" menu in this application or open the link: https://talinasab.com/cara-kerja.html#readmoreWe really appreciate user input or feedback (criticisms and suggestions), please email them to [email protected]